Life is a precious gift and most of the time, we take this
wonderful gift for granted. It's not
until something tragic happens that we stop and re-evaluate our lives, but even
then, some people are only appreciative of life for a few hours, maybe even a
few days, but that shouldn't be the case.
In the racing community, we're not just race fans, drivers,
crew members, spotters, team owners, or even public relations managers, we're a
family; so when something happens, we all band together to get through the
rough patch. That's exactly what the
racing family is doing right now.
I, personally, always called Jason Leffler "the dude
with the crazy hair," because the guy always had a mohawk or some crazy
hairstyle going on. I never fully
understood how he could put a helmet on with a mohawk, drive for four or five
hours straight, then get out of the car, and still have the mohawk; obviously he had some great hair products to
keep it like that. What does that have
to do with the serious situation that's going on? Absolutely everything. See, I'm that person that tries to cheer
people up when they're feeling sad, and hopefully, while you read that, you put
aside the negative thoughts and actually recalled the fact that the guy really
did have pretty awesome hair, putting somewhat of a smile on your face.
Wednesday night I was at my Senior Prom, it was a happy
night - that was, until I scrolled through my Twitter timeline. When I saw that Jason was involved in a
serious crash at Bridgeport Speedway, a dirt track in Swedesboro, New Jersey, I
said a quick prayer and hoped for the best.
My night continued as planned, I just had the crash in the back of my
mind. I didn't get the tragic news until
I was in Times Square at my after prom. My
date looked up at the billboard with the breaking news and looked at me and
said, "It just said something about a NASCAR driver dying from
undetermined injuries." I could
actually feel my heart sink; I shook my head and knew exactly who it was.

Life can't be taken for granted. So be grateful, go hug someone you love, or
just go outside and look around. Life is
good; appreciate everything you have, because in the blink of an eye,
everything could be gone.
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